Thursday, March 11, 2010

School board cancels prom rather then allow lesbian couple to attend.

Jackson, Miss - I was flabbergasted today when I saw this on yahoo news.

Apparently rather then allow a couple of girls attend the prom like everyone else, their school decided it was best to simply cancel the prom.

Now the girls are getting blamed for it.

No matter how you feal about homosexuality, if is my fondest hope that EVERYONE understands the basic premise that all people diserve equal treatment and rights.  I hope it is understood and held self-evident that it is not the role of goverment to decide or requlate values.

That being said, the school board is holding the prom hostage just because THEY don't like values represented by the girls relationship.  It's not just the prom they are weilding against these girls, but all the social pressure that it's loss is bringing down apon their heads. This is a clear act of blackmail in broad daylight.

The board has overstepped their authority and are exceeding their role. 

Worse, they are "hopeing" that someone will host a private prom to replace the public one. Should this happen,  whomever hosted the prom could legally discriminate any way they choose. Given the host would likely be one of the towns wealth conservatives, it is unlikely the girls would be included.


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