Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to fix Schooling

Step 1: Cut funding for all afterschool /extracuricular activities. It sounds harse, but funds for these activitys arn't exactly fairly divied up.  Students/Staff may continue this programs through heavy use of fundraisers. (Which frankly build much more charactor and work ethic then the actual activitys)

Step 2: Rethink the school Day. There are 6 periods (at least there was) when I went to school. It worked fairly well but the subjects just don't matter anymore.

  • Give the students ONE period per day for a extracuricular activitys. Any additional activitys can be done after school.
  • Math/Science:  Not everyone needs biology and chemestry. Instead merge basic science in with Math.  Math and Science go hand in hand and should be taught together anyways. Put Emphasis on the Scientific Process, and using Math to solve real problems. For Math/Science Geeks, Offer a 2 Period Math/Science Course that would eat up their Elective period.
  •  Work Skills: Every student should be taught how to do research, create reports in Office, work a fax machine, present a resume and do an interview, the fundementals of profit and loss, ect. At higher grades, students should be able to pick between office skill classes, trade classes, computer classes, science classes ect.
  • Logic/Philosophy/Litature. By far the most important of things school can teach you, logic and critical reading skills are being left out untill College. Throw out the traditional english classes and refocus on Critical Reading Skills, Logic and Philosophy. Obviously grammar and vocabulary needs to be taught, but less Poe and more Socrates is needed.
  • History: I personally belive that History is the pasts lessons to us. It's critical as a society that we learn whats come before, but the way it;'s taught today is ALL wrong. The focus is on wars and names and dates, when the important stuff is the STORYS behind the dates and the wars. History Books should read like literature, otherwise they have no real value.  How many students learn as much about Hitlers motivations as his actions?
  • Economics/Goverment: 12 years of how the goverment and our economy work. Students should know their Miranda rights by heart, how to break a Philibuster ion either house, order of inheritance if presedent dies, how a Supreme Court Judge is approved, ect ect ect. Ignorance of these things create a slave people.

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