Monday, August 02, 2010

Things we should be demanding from our Politicians

More Transparency Laws:

The fact is, we have no way to know what BS politicians are pulling behind closed door.

1. A Full audit/list of ALL income and gifts received by anyone in office, available online for any concerned citizen to check.

2. A after the fact history of our politicians work itinerary's, also posted online. (neglecting to post meeting that involve business would be a felony)

3. A yearly audit of the Fed.

4. Full transcript of congress sessions online, and search able within 24 hours.

5. EVERY BILL posted for 24 hours, online, unchanged before a vote. This one is particularly important. Although some bills are too long for a single person to read in a night, politicians have staff for a reason.

More Responsibility

1. The number of days congress is in session is pathetically low. 90ish per year.  While some of this off time can be explained by the need for time to spend in sub committees, not ALL our politicians are in subcommittees. It's time to require a full time commitment from our politicians. a 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year commitment. Governing should be a full time job, not something you do when you're not campaigning or playing golf.