Thursday, November 06, 2008

Obama and Prop 8

I am not a liberal. For the most part, I'm pretty sure both sides are full of shit. But I take particular loathing toward those who pray on the fears of a people to push their pile of crap.

So, I was pleasently suprised as Obama proved that the "Politics of Hope" still work and we don't have to submit to the politics of fear for the next 8 years. And he didn't do it by a small margin, but a huge one of 349 to 139. That's a crazy lead and proves americans have learned to not be swayed by the fear tactics that were used this election by the McCain camp. (The Democrats weren't completely innocent either, but Obama kept better control of his camp, keeping his side realitively clean, McCain however had little control of his people and chose the scariest running mate I've ever seen.)

But on the same night Californians decided that it was important to put a ban on Gay Marrage in the State Constitution....

Ok, let it be said, I'm Christian, so by definition, I don't belive in homosexuality. Socially speaking, I'm pretty damn conservative.

But frankly, we're in a war, with religious terrorists who are hell bent on killing us because we don't belive/behave like they think we should. Does anyone see a paralel?

a) What right does any person, have to tell another man what to belive or how to live his life? We condem the Talaban for enforing religious law, this is no different. Separation of Church and State and Equality under the law is a founding principle of this country. One that protects us all, christians included, from persecution.

b) Why are we wasting time and resources on this? People are DIEING in the world, of hunger, disease, bombs, bad water. There are genocides going on in the world, and they spent 80 million dollors on THIS? Seriously?

c) The whole Prop 8 campain was this horrible horrible fear program. And it saddens me that it worked. "They're going to teach your kids this!" I'm sorry... I wasn't taught about Gay or Straight Marrage in school, when did this start? There are provisions in the law to allow for religious objection to school curriculim. You can sit Kids out of Sex ed, if there's a new "marrage class", then you'll be able to sit them out of that too.


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